CN¥ 1,050.00


Trilencer-27 Universal scrambled negative control siRNA duplex - 2 nmol

CN¥ 1,000.00


RNAse free siRNA duplex re-suspension buffer (2ml)

AHR - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

ABCA1 - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

TP53 - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

TYK2 - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

FXN - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

Tmem175 - Mouse, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

SHMT2 - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in lentiviral GFP vector, 5µg of each construct provided

Format Lentiviral plasmids
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti

29-mer Scrambled shRNA Cassette in pGFP-V-RS Vector, 5 ug

CN¥ 1,090.00


Trilencer-27 Fluorescent-labeled transfection control siRNA duplex - 1 nmol

29-mer Scrambled shRNA Cassette in pRS Vector, 5 ug

29-mer scrambled shRNA cassette in pRFP-C-RS Vector, 5 ug