What are CytoSections™ ?
CytoSections are FFPE sections of transiently transfected cDNA specific gene targets over-expressed in mammalian cells. They are reference slides used as positive and negative controls for IHC, ICC and ISH. CytoSections for negative controls either over-express GFP, or are made from untransfected cells. For diagnostic labs, CytoSections can replace tissue controls, offering affordable, consistent and reproducible results.
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CytoSections stained for IDH1 mutant (R132H)

Positive Control
Immunohistology staining on IDH1 mutant (R132H) overexpressed cytosection TS600096P5 with rat anti IDH1 (R132H) (TA190113 ). Antibody staining was achieved with HIER Citrate pH6 , Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection Kit (D46-18 ). Positive stain shown with the brown chromogen present.Key Features and Benefits
- Save Time
- Start experiments right away knowing that target expression for each lot is verified
- FFPE sections are comparable to your samples and easily incorporated into existing workflows
- Save precious tissue and money
- Do not waste precious tissue for assay optimization and costly method development
- Once your assay is developed, cost effectively obtain as many slides as you need
- Increase your confidence in generating reproducible and repeatable data
- Transient transfection ensures consistent gene expression, unlike stable cell lines where expression can change over time, creating lot to lot variability
- No section-to-section expression variability
How are CytoSections made for your specific gene target?

Finding reliable and reproducible controls for your IHC, ICC, and ISH can be elusive. OriGene developed CytoSections to overcome these challenges. Specifically designed for your experiment, mammalian cells are transiently transfected to express your gene of interest (GOI). The transfected cells are spun down into a cell pellet which is tested to validate expression of your GOI, before creating the FFPE block. The block is then cut into thin slices and placed on a slide.
Positive Controls
SKU | Description | Availability |
TS403288P5 | Transient overexpression of MAGEA3 in HEK293T cells, FFPE control for IHC, ICC and ISH staining, 25 slides per pack | 4 weeks |
TS413132P5 | Transient overexpression of HSD17B13 in HEK293T cells, FFPE control for IHC, ICC and ISH staining, 25 slides per pack | 4 weeks |
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Negative Controls
SKU | Description | Availability |
TC400001 | Untransfected HEK293T cells, negative FFPE control for IHC, ICC and ISH staining, 5 slides per pack | 4 weeks |
TC400003 | Transient overexpression of tGFP in HEK293T cells, negative FFPE control for IHC, ICC and ISH staining, 5 slides per pack | 4 weeks |