Human KCTD11 activation kit by CRISPRa

CAT#: GA115596

KCTD11 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 11

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CNY 12,255.00


    • 1 kit

Product images

经常一起买 (2)
Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-KCTD11 Antibody
    • 100 ul

CNY 5,250.00

KCTD11 (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 11 (KCTD11)
    • 10 ug

CNY 2,400.00
CNY 3,705.00


Product Data
Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)
Symbol KCTD11
Locus ID 147040
Kit Components

GA115596G1, KCTD11 gRNA vector 1 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA115596G2, KCTD11 gRNA vector 2 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA115596G3, KCTD11 gRNA vector 3 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

1 CRISPRa-Enhancer vector, SKU GE100056

1 CRISPRa scramble vector, SKU GE100077

Reference Data
RefSeq NM_001002914, NM_001363642
Synonyms C17orf36; KCASH1; REN; REN/KCTD11
Summary Plays a role as a marker and a regulator of neuronal differentiation; Up-regulated by a variety of neurogenic signals, such as retinoic acid, epidermal growth factor/EGF and NGFB/nerve growth factor. Induces apoptosis, growth arrest and the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor CDKN1B. Plays a role as a tumor repressor and inhibits cell growth and tumorigenicity of medulloblastoma (MDB). Acts as probable substrate-specific adapter for a BCR (BTB-CUL3-RBX1) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex towards HDAC1. Functions as antagonist of the Hedgehog pathway on cell proliferation and differentiation by affecting the nuclear transfer of transcription factor GLI1, thus maintaining cerebellar granule cells in undifferentiated state, this effect probably occurs via HDAC1 down-regulation, keeping GLI1 acetylated and inactive. When knock-down, Hedgehog antagonism is impaired and proliferation of granule cells is sustained. Activates the caspase cascade.[UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Function]
*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.


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