TissueScan, Crohn's/Colitis cDNA Array I
48 samples covering 6-normal, 21-Crohn's, 21-Colitis. Available in 2, 5, 10 identical plates.
CN¥ 8,080.00
Cited in 12 publications. |
经常一起买 (4)
Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue (non-rodent)
CN¥ 1,701.00
Product Data | |
Array Category | Cancer Specific |
Clinical Info | |
Tissue | Intestine, large and small |
Array Name | Crohn's/Colitis cDNA Array I |
Citations (12)
The use of this Tissues has been cited in the following citations: |
Tumor necrosis factor α impedes colonic thiamin pyrophosphate and free thiamin uptake: involvement of JNK/ERK 1/2 -mediated pathways.
American journal of physiology. Cell physiology
,PubMed ID 36342158
Effect of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-ñ on intestinal riboflavin uptake: inhibition mediated via transcriptional mechanism(s)
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
,PubMed ID 30156861
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α) reduces intestinal vitamin C uptake: a role for NF-κB mediated signaling
,Subramanian, VS;Sabui, S;Subramenium, GA;Marchant, JS;Said, HM;,
Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol.
,PubMed ID 29631379
CSA13 inhibits colitis-associated intestinal fibrosis via a formyl peptide receptor like-1 mediated HMG-CoA reductase pathway
,Xu, C;Ghali, S;Wang, J;Shih, DQ;Ortiz, C;Mussatto, CC;Lee, EC;Tran, DH;Jacobs, JP;Lagishetty, V;Fleshner, P;Robbins, L;Vu, M;Hing, TC;McGovern, DPB;Koon, HW;,
Sci Rep
,PubMed ID 29180648
[Crohn's/Colitis cDNA Array I]
Perturbation of neddylation-dependent NF-κB responses in the intestinal epithelium drives apoptosis and inhibits resolution of mucosal inflammation
Molecular Biology of the Cell
,PubMed ID 27682585
Up-regulation of the human-specific CHRFAM7A gene in inflammatory bowel disease
BBA Clinical
,PubMed ID 27051591
Up-regulation of the human-specific CHRFAM7A gene in inflammatory bowel disease
,Baird, A;Coimbra, R;Dang, X;Eliceiri, BP;Costantini, TW;,
BBA Clinical
IFN-γ-Mediated Induction of an Apical IL-10 Receptor on Polarized Intestinal Epithelia
,Kominsky, DJ;Campbell, EL;Ehrentraut, SF;Wilson, KE;Kelly, CJ;Glover, LE;Collins, CB;Bayless, AJ;Saeedi, B;Dobrinskikh, E;Bowers, BE;Macmanus, CF;Müller, W;Colgan, SP;Bruder, D;,
J. Immunol., Jan 2014.
,PubMed ID 24367025
[Crohn's/Colitis cDNA tissue array I]
Ectopic lymphoid tissue alters the chemokine gradient, increases lymphocyte retention and exacerbates murine ileitis
,Eóin N McNamee, Joanne C Masterson, Paul Jedlicka, Colm B Collins, Ifor R Williams, and Jesús Rivera-Nieves,
Gut, Jan 2013; 62: 53 - 62.
[Crohn's/Colitis cDNA Array I]
Neuregulin-4 Is a Survival Factor for Colon Epithelial Cells both in Culture and in Vivo *
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
,PubMed ID 23033483
Neuregulin-4 Is a Survival Factor for Colon Epithelial Cells both in Culture and in Vivo
,Jessica K. Bernard, Sean P. McCann, Vrinda Bhardwaj, Mary K. Washington, and Mark R. Frey,
J. Biol. Chem., Nov 2012; 287: 39850 - 39858.
[Crohn's/colitis array 1]
Matriptase protects against experimental colitis and promotes intestinal barrier recovery
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
,PubMed ID 22081509
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