Human TL1A (TNFSF15) activation kit by CRISPRa

CAT#: GA106744

TNFSF15 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human TNF superfamily member 15

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CN¥ 12,255.00


    • 1 kit

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经常一起买 (3)
Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-TNFSF15 Antibody
    • 100 ul

CN¥ 1,999.00
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TNFSF15 (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 15 (TNFSF15), transcript variant 1
    • 10 ug

CN¥ 2,400.00
CN¥ 3,705.00

TNFSF15 rabbit polyclonal antibody
    • 25 ul

CN¥ 800.00
CN¥ 1,280.00


Product Data
Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)
Symbol TNFSF15
Locus ID 9966
Kit Components

GA106744G1, TL1A gRNA vector 1 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA106744G2, TL1A gRNA vector 2 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA106744G3, TL1A gRNA vector 3 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

1 CRISPRa-Enhancer vector, SKU GE100056

1 CRISPRa scramble vector, SKU GE100077

Reference Data
RefSeq NM_001204344, NM_005118
Synonyms TL1; TL1A; TNLG1B; VEGI; VEGI192A
Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a cytokine that belongs to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family. This protein is abundantly expressed in endothelial cells, but is not expressed in either B or T cells. The expression of this protein is inducible by TNF and IL-1 alpha. This cytokine is a ligand for receptor TNFRSF25 and decoy receptor TNFRSF21/DR6. It can activate NF-kappaB and MAP kinases, and acts as an autocrine factor to induce apoptosis in endothelial cells. This cytokine is also found to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation, and thus may function as an angiogenesis inhibitor. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2011]
*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.


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