CEBP Alpha (CEBPA) (NM_001287435) Human Untagged Clone

CAT#: SC335494

CEBPA (untagged) - Human CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha (CEBPA), transcript variant 1

  "NM_001287435" in other vectors (2)

CNY 3,330.00


    • 10 ug

Product images

经常一起买 (4)
TurboFectin Transfection Reagent (1 mL in 1 vial)
    • 1 ml in 1 vial

CNY 4,090.00

DH5α Chemically Competent Cells (≥10^8 cfu/μg of pUC19 DNA)
    • 5 x 200 ul

CNY 1,280.00

Forward sequencing primer VP1.5, Reverse sequencing primer XL39, 100pmoles each
    • 100 pmol

CNY 480.00

CEBPA Rabbit polyclonal Antibody
    • 100 ul

CNY 1,999.00
CNY 3,280.00



Product Data
Type Human Untagged Clone
Tag Tag Free
Synonyms C/EBP-alpha; CEBP
Vector pCMV6-Entry
E. coli Selection Kanamycin (25 ug/mL)
Mammalian Cell Selection Neomycin
Sequence Data
>SC335494 representing NM_001287435.
Blue=Insert sequence Red=Cloning site Green=Tag(s)


Restriction Sites SgfI-MluI     
ACCN NM_001287435
Insert Size 1035 bp
OTI Disclaimer Our molecular clone sequence data has been matched to the reference identifier above as a point of reference. Note that the complete sequence of our molecular clones may differ from the sequence published for this corresponding reference, e.g., by representing an alternative RNA splicing form or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).
Product Components The ORF clone is ion-exchange column purified and shipped in a 2D barcoded Matrix tube containing 10ug of transfection-ready, dried plasmid DNA (reconstitute with 100 ul of water).
Reconstitution 1. Centrifuge at 5,000xg for 5min.
2. Carefully open the tube and add 100ul of sterile water to dissolve the DNA.
3. Close the tube and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.
4. Briefly vortex the tube and then do a quick spin (less than 5000xg) to concentrate the liquid at the bottom.
5. Store the suspended plasmid at -20°C. The DNA is stable for at least one year from date of shipping when stored at -20°C.
Note Plasmids are not sterile.  For experiments where strict sterility is required, filtration with 0.22um filter is required.
Reference Data
RefSeq NM_001287435.1
RefSeq Size 2631 bp
RefSeq ORF 1035 bp
Locus ID 1050
UniProt ID P49715
Protein Families Druggable Genome, ES Cell Differentiation/IPS
Protein Pathways Acute myeloid leukemia, Pathways in cancer
MW 35.9 kDa
Gene Summary This intronless gene encodes a transcription factor that contains a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) domain and recognizes the CCAAT motif in the promoters of target genes. The encoded protein functions in homodimers and also heterodimers with CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins beta and gamma. Activity of this protein can modulate the expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation as well as in body weight homeostasis. Mutation of this gene is associated with acute myeloid leukemia. The use of alternative in-frame non-AUG (GUG) and AUG start codons results in protein isoforms with different lengths. Differential translation initiation is mediated by an out-of-frame, upstream open reading frame which is located between the GUG and the first AUG start codons. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2013]
Transcript Variant: This variant (1) can initiate translation from an upstream non-AUG (GUG) site, and also from three downstream, in-frame AUG sites. The isoform (d) represented in this RefSeq results from translation initiation at the second AUG start codon. Isoform d has a shorter N-terminus, compared to isoform c. Sequence Note: The RefSeq transcript and protein were derived from genomic sequence to make the sequence consistent with the reference genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the transcript record were based on alignments.
*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.

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