Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue
IHC Kits and Reagents
Normal Donkey serum
Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue (non-rodent)
Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for HUMAN antibody on animal tissue
Polink-1 AP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue (non-rodent)
Biotin-streptavidin HRP and AP detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibody on human tissue
TEE HIEF Buffer pH 9.0 (20x)
Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue
DAB concentrated (20x) Bulk Kit for 20,000 slides
Avidin/Biotin Block Kit
Water-based, coverslip free, universal mounting media
Polink-1 AP Polymer Detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue
Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibody on human tissue
Biotin-Streptavidin HRP Detection for RABBIT antibody on human and animal tissue
Polink-2 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue