IHC Kits and Reagents

DAB concentrated (20x) 12ml Kit for 2,000 slides

C02-12 is a replacement of GB300001.

Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue

D43-6 is a replacement of GB100016.

Biotin-Streptavidin HRP Detection for RABBIT antibody on human and animal tissue

Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for RAT antibody on human or animal tissue

Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue

D43-110 is a replacement of GB100014.

Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on RAT tissue

DAB+ (2 components) Bulk Kit

C09-100 is a replacement of GB300004.

Alkaline Phosphatase Red Chromogen Kit

Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue

Accel Retrieval Solution is a revolutionary 3-in-1 pretreatment and antigen retrieval system intended for use in immunohistochemistry

Normal Donkey Serum Blocking Buffer is used in immunohistochemical staining procedures to block non-specific staining when the host species of the secondary antibody is Donkey.

CNY 1,957.00


Klear Dual Enzyme Blocks

CNY 1,254.00


10% Normal Goat Serum