pCas-Guide-Nickase vector for gRNA cloning (with Cas9 D10A expression) (10 µg)
Function | Cas9 Nickase |
pCas-Guide-Nickase vector for gRNA cloning (with Cas9 D10A expression) (10 µg)
Function | Cas9 Nickase |
AAVS1 donor vector with AAVS1 homologous arms, firefly luciferase under EF1a promoter, and Blasticidin selection (10 ug)
Function | AAVS1 donor vector |
Cas9 expression vector in AAVS1 donor vector, puromycin selection (10 ug)
Function | Cas9 only vectors |
pCRISPRa-Enhancer vector, expressing MS2-p65-HSF1, which synergistically activates gene expression with dCas9-VP64.
Function | CRISPRa Enhancer Vector |
pCas-Guide-EF1a-CD4 vector (with Cas9 and CD4 expression) for genomic target sequence cloning (10 µg)
Function | All-in-One CRISPR/Cas9 vectors |
pLenti-Cas9-P2A-tGFP, Cas9 in lenti vector with tGFP after P2A (10 ug)
Function | Cas9 only vectors |
pLenti-EF1a-Cas9-IRES-Puro, Cas9 in lenti vector under EF1a promoter with bicistronic IRES-Puro (10 ug)
Function | Cas9 only vectors |
ROSA26 safe harbor gRNA vector, validated ROSA26 targeting sequence cloned in pCas-Guide vector
Function | Rosa26 gRNA |
pCas-Guide-CRISPRi vector, All-in-one Vector for CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Interference with dCas9-KRAB-MeCP2 and gRNA cloning site.
Function | All-in-one CRISPRi vector |
pCas-Guide-Puro-CRISPRa-Scramble, scramble gRNA control in GE100074 vector (with tGFP)
Function | CRISPRa scramble control vector with GFP reporter |
pT7-Cas9-Nickase vector (Cas9 D10A) (10 µg)
Function | Cas9 Nickase |
pCas-Guide-Puro-CRISPRi Vector, All-in-one Vector for CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Interference with Puro selection marker, dCas9-KRAB-MeCP2 and gRNA cloning site.
pLenti-EF1a-Cas-Guide, (with EF1a-Cas9) for gRNA target sequence cloning (10 µg)
Function | All-in-One CRISPR/Cas9 vectors |
pLenti-Cas9-IRES-Puro, Cas9 in lenti vector with bicistronic IRES-Puro (10 ug)
Function | Cas9 only vectors |