
Cellulase rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB

UOX rabbit polyclonal antibody, Biotin

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Porcine

Monkey IgG (Fab specific) rabbit polyclonal antibody, FITC

Applications Direct staining of fixed cell and tissue substrates; to demonstrate the intracellular presence of free or Ig-bound subunits of both kappa or lambda type. In general this conjugate is not recommended as direct or indirect screening reagent for If isotypes on surface membranes of vital lymphoid cells. The activity to the common Ig/Fab subunit may result in the staining of immunoglobulins bound to the Fc-receptors on non-lymphoid cells. Combinations of isotype-specific reagents should be used instead for this purpose. This immunoconjugate is not pre-diluted. The optimum working dilution of each conjugate should be established by titration before being used. Excess labelled antibody must be avoided because it may cause high unspecific background staining and interfere with the specific signal.
Working dilutions are usually between 1:20 and 1:80.
Reactivities Monkey
Conjugation FITC

aprE rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Bacillus sp.

alpha-Mannosidase rabbit polyclonal antibody, Biotin

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Jack Bean

PGA5 rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Porcine

Mouse IgD (Fc specific) goat polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications Can be used as unlabelled primary or secondary reagent for indirect detection techniques, to prepare conjugates with markers of the user’s own choice, to prepare an insoluble Immunoaffinity adsorbent or a solid phase antibody reagent by coupling to an artificial carrier and as catching or detection antibody in non-isotopic methodology and solid phase Immunochemistry. When applied in any Cytochemical or Histochemical procedure or solids phase coupling technique, the optimum concentration of the IgG preparation should always be established by titration.
Recommended Working Dilutions:
Histochemical Use: 1/50-1/250.
ELISA and comparable non-precipitating antibody-binding assays: 1/500-1/5000.
Reactivities Mouse
Conjugation Unconjugated

ALB rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Bovine

R-Phycoerythrin goat polyclonal antibody, Aff - Purified

Applications ELISA, FC, ID, IHC, IP, WB

Alb rabbit polyclonal antibody, Biotin

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IHC, R, WB
Reactivities Mouse

Arthrobacterium Neuraminidase rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Athrobacterium ureafaciens

SOD1 rabbit polyclonal antibody, Azide Free

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB
Reactivities Bovine

Stem bromelain rabbit polyclonal antibody, Biotin

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IP, R, WB

Rabbit IgA+IgG+IgM (H+L chain) goat polyclonal antibody, HRP

Applications ELISA (to identify and measure a specific IgG in rabbit serum or other body fluids).
Useful in electron microscopy, since the complex between the conjugated antibody and the antigen has electron-dense properties.
Dot blot.
Western blot.
General Recommended Dilutions:
Histochemical and Cytochemical Use: 1/100-1/500.
ELISA and comparable non-precipitating antibody-binding assays: 1/1000-1/5000.
Working dilutions should be prepared by adding sterile PBS, pH 7.2, and should not be refrozen.
Reactivities Rabbit
Conjugation HRP

C3 goat polyclonal antibody, HRP

Applications ELISA, ID, IF, IHC, IP, WB
Reactivities Monkey