Secondary Antibodies

Human IgE mouse monoclonal antibody, clone BE5, Purified

Applications ELISA.
Flow Cytometry: 5-10 µg/ml.
Reactivities Human
Conjugation Unconjugated

Bovine IgG (light chain) mouse monoclonal antibody, clone IVA285-1, Purified

Applications Western Blotting (Reducing Conditions): 0.5-1 μg/ml, overnight in 4°C.
SDS-PAGE (12% separating gel).
Positive Control and Sample Peparation: BS (Bovine Serum), dilution 1/50 in Laemmli reducing buffer, boiled in water bath for 3 min.
Strongly reacts with Bovine IgG light chains, weakly reacts with IgM.
Flow Cytometry.
Immunohistochemistry on Frozen Sections.
Reactivities Bovine, Sheep
Conjugation Unconjugated

Human IgG (Fc CH2 Domain specific) mouse monoclonal antibody, clone 8A4, Purified

Applications ELISA.
Flow cytometry (1:50/1:100): use 10 µl of the suggested working dilution to label 10e6 cells in 100 µl.
Reactivities Human
Conjugation Unconjugated